It’s global warming…

5 responses to “It’s global warming…

  1. Go ahead. Keep importing the scum of Africa, then keep scratching your head as to why they’re not grateful, while keeping natural born Frenchmen disarmed and unable to defend themselves. It’s the same all over Europe and the dumbass citizens keep letting their governments continue this policy instead of hanging these miscreant politicians in the public square, along side the imports.

    I got $50.00 says the muslims erect a mosque on the site of the former library.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Not the library, it’ll be where the Eiffel Tower once stood. Macron & the French cabinet will fund it to prove they’re not xenophobic as they import even more ‘zlims.


  2. The Muslims are like the Asian people, they are manageable. That is all the global warlords want. Kayos brings them power. We are dealing with some really sick fucks. These immigrants have been promised our station, the ones we have built. The globalist shits don’t need us anymore. Look around and see the majority of the drug addicted people are white and living on the streets like zombies. Oh, and how vulgar of them to burn the frogs’ library, OUCH !


  3. Why oh why are those politicians still alive after this outcome?


  4. This is fake news, or a spoof post by this Dustin Mills person. It is not a library in France. It’s the main post office in Manila. In The Philippines. On the other side of the planet. It says so right below the picture.


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